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Organic sludge treatment project

2021-05-28 11:22:03

Hazardous waste technology - Organic sludge treatment scheme

Sludge with organic matter as the main component can be called organic sludge. Its main characteristics are high content of organic matter, easy to decay and stink, fine particles, low density, high moisture content and not easy to dehydrate. It is a hydrophilic material with colloidal structure, which is easy to be transported by pipeline. The mixed sludge produced by domestic sewage treatment and the biological treatment sludge produced by industrial wastewater are typical organic sludge. Its characteristics are high organic content (60% ~ 80%), fine particle (0.02 ~ 0.2mm), low density (1002 ~ 1006kg / m3), colloidal structure. It is a kind of hydrophilic sludge, which is easy to be transported by pipeline, but its dehydration performance is poor.

Process route

On the basis of self-developed technology, the resource utilization process of organic solid waste is formed through system integration and optimization coupling. Low temperature drying unit, thermal analysis unit and gasification unit are core units. Objective to convert the organic components into high value-added products such as oil, gas, electricity and steam. After the complete reduction of inorganic components, they become stable slag. The slag with low heavy metal content can be used as raw materials of building materials. The slag with high heavy metal content can be solidified and sealed directly to achieve harmless.

Low temperature drying technology

Drying reduction of organic sludge with high moisture content

Small scale and decentralized organic sludge reduction to solve the transportation problem of terminal disposal

Technical principle
The principle of heat pump is used to form and create evaporation conditions by using the flow rate of dry and hot air on the sludge surface, so as to volatilize the water in the dry material into the air, increase the relative humidity in the air and form wet air.

Then the wet air enters the evaporator of the system and absorbs heat with high-efficiency refrigerant to cool the air and precipitate condensate. The condensate is collected and treated uniformly. The refrigerant containing heat is transformed into a high-quality heat source after being worked by the heat pump compressor to heat the cooled low-temperature saturated wet air and turn the wet air into dry hot air. The dry and hot air will repeat the drying process of the next cycle through the action of the fan.

Process system

Air circulation system

After the air takes away the water in the sludge, the carried water is condensed at the evaporator. The condensed and dehydrated air is heated by the heater and then enters the sludge for circulation in turn.

Heat pump system

The wet air enters the evaporator of the system and absorbs heat with high-efficiency refrigerant to cool the air and precipitate condensate. The condensate is collected and treated uniformly. The refrigerant containing heat is transformed into a high-quality heat source after being worked by the heat pump compressor to heat the cooled low-temperature saturated wet air and turn the wet air into dry hot air.

conveying system

The equipment is equipped with a material distributor, which is evenly distributed on the conveying track. While the materials are walking on the track, the water is taken away by the flowing air provided by the circulating fan, and finally the dried discharge is realized.

Technical features
The sludge with 80% moisture content is directly dried to 10%, and the heat source can be electricity or steam.
In the whole drying process of the low-temperature drying system, the dust content in the air is very low, and the drying temperature is controlled at about 40 ℃, without explosion risk.
Low temperature (40-50 ℃) fully enclosed drying mode is adopted, without odor overflow and complex deodorization device.
The drying process has no loss of organic matter and high calorific value of dry materials, which is suitable for resource utilization in the later stage.
The floor area is small, with an average floor area of about 1.5m2 per ton.
Modular design of equipment, simple and convenient installation and operation.
Gasification technology
Green resource utilization of organic sludge waste

Centralized and large-scale disposal of organic sludge

Technical principle
The harmful substances in organic solid (hazardous) waste are decomposed into pollution-free small molecular gases such as H2, CO and CH4 by gasification agent (air and steam). The gas composed of these gases is as clean as natural gas after purification, and can be used as an alternative fuel for natural gas. The ash generated after sludge treatment has stable properties and can be used as building raw materials.
C+CO2  ↔  2CO
C+H2O  ↔  CO+H2
C+2H2  ↔  CH4
CO+H2O  ↔  CO2+H2

CH4+H2O  ↔  CO+3H2

Process system
drying system

The steam generated by waste heat recovery is used to dry the organic solid (hazardous) waste to the gasification requirements, and the dry condensate is used as the supplementary water of the unit. The odor generated in the drying process enters the gasifier for harmless treatment without adding new treatment equipment.

gasification system

In the gasifier, the organic matter in the organic solid (hazardous) waste is completely decomposed into gas composed of H2, CO and CH4 through high temperature. The gas enters the cyclone separator from the top of the gasifier, and the separated fly ash is forcibly returned to the gasifier to further gasify the residual carbon; The ash discharged from the gasifier is stable in nature and can be used as construction raw materials after cooling and waste heat recovery.

Waste heat recovery system

The high-temperature gas generated by the gasification system recovers heat and by-product steam through the waste heat recovery system composed of superheater, evaporator and economizer. Except for some self-use, the rest are transported to the outside world to produce economic value.

purification system

After dedusting and desulfurization purification, the gas with dust content ≤ 10mg / Nm3 and hydrogen sulfide ≤ 20mg / Nm3 is as clean as natural gas.

Technical features and advantages

Wide range of raw materials: sludge with moisture content below 85% and other organic solid wastes can be used as raw materials for treatment.

Flexible operation and large treatment capacity: modular layout, flexible variation of operation load, and variation coefficient of sludge treatment capacity is 50% - 110%; The monomer scale can reach 500 tons / day.

Safe and reliable operation: the production process is completely closed, with five phenomena of "running, emitting, dripping and leakage", and the safety chain is highly intelligent.

Green environmental protection: the whole process has no odor emission, avoids dioxin and other secondary pollution caused by combustion method, and has no wastewater discharge.

Complete harmlessness and reduction: sludge is transformed into fuel gas as clean as natural gas and ash with stable properties, with a reduction of more than 90%; Ash can be used as building materials.

Realize resource utilization: the gas produced by sludge treatment can be used as an alternative fuel for natural gas. The sewage plant is used as the site for layout, and a distributed energy station is established, which is managed according to the energy Internet mode.
